Python 3.6

Matador requires Python 3.6 or later.

The recommended distributing is miniconda from and, on Windows, is the only distribution on which matador has been tested.

  • Download the miniconda interpreter from

    Ensure you choose a Python 3.x version rather than a 2.x version.

  • Install the interpreter using the download from above and accept all the default options.

  • From a command prompt, enter the following command:

    python --version

and you should see something similar to:

Python 3.6.1 :: Continuum Analytics, Inc.

Installing Matador

Your Python installation should include the Python Package Manager, Pip, which can now be used to install Matador:

  • From a command prompt, enter the following command:

    pip install matador
  • When the installation has finished, test that it worked with:

    matador --version

You should see something similar to:

matador version 4.0.0

A Matador Project

Most Matador commands will only execute successfully from within a valid matador project folder.

If you are working on an existing project, simply clone its repository to a directory of your choice and change into that directory.

e.g. on Windows, to create a folder for a project named ‘toreador’ within an existing ‘c:\projects’ folder:

cd c:\projects
git clone <url for the toreador project>
cd toreador

If you are starting a new project, you can use the matador command init to create the necessary project structure.

e.g. on Windows, to to create a new project named ‘toreador’ within an existing ‘c:\projects’ folder:

cd c:\\projects
matador init --project toreador